
ㆍ복합 문화를 지향하는 S&C는  다양한 전시와 행사, 교육 프로그램등의 기획을 통해 틀에 박힌 조형예술의 개념에서 탈피하여 형식과 내용이 공존하고 공생하는 예술을 추구하며 대중적 지반을 넓혀가고자 합니다. 또한 다양한 개인전과 기획전을 통해 뉴욕 맨하튼은 물론 국내외 많은 재능있는 작가들을 소개함과 동시에 동시대 작가들의 삶과 호흡을 통한 교류로써 현대미술의 흐름을 파악하고자 합니다. 

ㆍ국/내외 아티스트들과의 지속적인 네트워크를 구축하며 국제적 문화교류를 통해 수준 높은 현대 미술과 분야를 소개합니다. 다양한 예술장르를 넘나들며 활동하는 국내 젊은 아티스트들의 독창적이고 실험적인 창작활동을 지원하며 다양한 교육프로그램을 통해 공공 교육의 발전과 활성화를 위해 앞장섭니다. 

국제 무대에서의 경험과 최선의 노력을 통하여 예술가들이 진정으로 사랑하는 문화 예술 전문 그룹이 되도록 노력하겠습니다


Jung Hyung Yima’s Solo Exhibition ‘Specimen III: Deform at SIA NY Gallery.

Jeonghyup Lee’s Solo Exhibition at SIA NY Gallery.

Myung-Shik Cho’s Solo Exhibition ‘The Field’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Kieun Kim’s Solo Exhibition ‘Revealuxion’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Group Exhibition ‘The Art Show’ at SIA NY Gallery.

HuNoo’s Solo Exhibition ‘Make Your Own Imagination’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Kurt Ralske’s Solo Exhibition ‘JLG Data Set’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Tae Il Kwak’s Solo Exhibition ‘Overlap of Memory’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Ian Lee’s Solo Exhibition ‘Genesis’ at SIA NY Gallery.

French Artists Group Exhibition ‘Fairy Tales’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Seung Lee’s Solo Exhibition ‘Circulation III’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Group Exhibition ‘Sculptors’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Group Exhibition ‘Beauty in Grace’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Ryan Seslow & Alex Kukai’s Exhibition ‘Spirit’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Hyo Bin Kwon’s Solo Exhibition ‘Jars and Memories’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Heebeom Park’s Solo Exhibition ‘Attributes of Things’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Han Lee’s Solo Exhibition ‘Rain of Joy’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Korean-New York Artist Group Exhibition ‘Mosaic’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Group Exhibition ‘From Paris To New York Look Crosses/Regards Croisés’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Interactive Installation Exhibition by Project Group C ‘Invitation from Wonderland’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Garam Lee’s Solo Exhibition ‘Light of Breathing’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Gowoon Choi’s Solo Exhibition ‘Metallic Objects’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Inyoung Seoung’s Solo Exhibition ‘Sojourner’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Jangsik Shin’s Solo Exhibition ‘12 Scenes of Mountain Kumkang’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Paul Nam & Daniel O’Keefe’s Duo Exhibition ‘Re-illumination’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Hanho & Jun Ku Kang’s Duo Exhibition ‘Re-illumination’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Space in Arts will be attending Scope New York 2015.

Six Artists Group Exhibition ‘Re-illumination’ SIA NY Gallery.

Series of Group Exhibition ‘The Artists Prologue Interlogue Epilogue’ at SIA NY Gallery.

Sun-Ho Kang’s Exhibition ‘Tinged with Crimson’ at SIA NY Gallery.